Monday, November 5, 2012


Its bittersweet, but I have to admit that its time for me to move on from Tumblr... the lack of quality and common sense in the posts flooding my dashboard now annoy me more than ever. If it wasn't obvious, I was pretty attached to my tumblr and I hoped to keep it alive for as long as I can. But eventually the lack of inspiration from my dashboard got to me and I realized that my blog was now lacking substance and was slowly going downhill.

I miss blogging, so in an effort to create a fresh start, I decided to finally to dust off my blogspot and attempt to bring it to life. I created back in August, but neglected it due to a lack of inspiration. However, my life's at an all time high right now and I feel more inspired than ever to rekindle my love for blogging. 

This new blog will be a collection of photos/recaps of my travels and so called "adventures", and of course I'll also be using it to share whatever thoughts spew out of my jumbled mind. Enjoy <3


  1. Hi there! I've known you from my classmate who told me that there's someone on tumblr who has a very nice hair. She asked me if I was related to you since we have the same last name. Hahaha. Anyway, good thing you have a blogspot. I would love to read about the infinite ramblings of your mind. Keep writing. I am guia, btw :D

    1. Hello! Wow, what a coincidence! Thanks for checking out my new blog ^_^ I'm Janine, nice to meet you<3

  2. Hey Janine! You don't know me I'm a fan of your fashion I try to use your style to inspire my gf! This was an interesting post about moving away from tumblr though. I do believe you when you say a lot of the posts on there claim to be open minded and creative but damn there are a lot of immature kids with a lot of things to say/do for a a follow and a like. I do think the website is still full of inspirational ideas and wonderful works of art.. It just depends on who you're following. Anyway I like the way you carry yourself and respect you deeply! Keep up the good work and definitely.. More camo!

    1. Hey Carlo! Thank you so much! Haha I'm glad that i can be inspiration to your gf but I'm sure she's beautiful in her own way:) I used to be so inspired by the people I followed on tumblr, but as time passed they disappeared from my dashboard and I was left with nothing but constant reblogs of pointless things and it seemed like tumblr turned into a popularity contest more than anything. I'm definitely sure there are still a few tumblr users with intelligent minds that are worthy of being inspirational, and thats what keeps me coming back. Thanks again, your words truly mean a lot to me!
