Well, I think its time that I return from my blogging "hiatus". For the handful of readers that have stumbled upon my blog, I owe you guys an apology for neglecting my page but thanks for sticking around. So to recap what's been going on in my life...
2013 hasn't been quite eventful which explains my lack of "adventurous" posts, but I'm just grateful for a new year = fresh start. I've been a little more focused on my shop lately because the dreadful student loans have caught up with me and I still haven't found a job, sadly. The good news is that my nursing license will make its way to my mailbox any day now, so I can start applying for jobs. Luckily, the shop has been pretty successful lately thanks to my lovely customers, but I think I am fully incapable of saving my hard earned money. Let's just say whenever I see the word "SALE", I go a little overboard and I completely blank out on what my new year's resolution was... oh yeah, SAVE MONEY.
Anyway, until I find an opening for a new grad nurse, I have all the time in the world to enjoy my freedom before I become a 'working adult'. I believe that a real full-time career is what initiates the adulthood of a person. I plan on dedicating my freedom to doing all the things that I planned on doing but never got around to actually doing them. I want to visit all the places I have been dying to go to, have cute dates with the ones I love, take lots of photos/videos, eat like there's no tomorrow, stay up late and ramble about pointless things just as I am doing so this very minute, and just enjoy the few months left of my youth... and I promise to document ALL of it on this little blog of mine.
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